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• Eureka Springs - There’s a castle completely covered in rocks and crystals with trees growing on the inside.

• Little Rock got its name from an actual rock called La Petite Roche (French) - The name derived from French explorer Jean-Baptiste Bénard de la Harpe in 1722, who used the rock for navigation purposes.

• The delicious cheese dip was created in Arkansas and there is a World Cheese-Dip Championship as well.

• Walmart, the superchain with 11,000 stores in 27 countries, opened its first store in Rogers in 1962 by Sam Walton.

• Elvis was cleaned up for his service in the Army at Fort Chaffee on March 25, 1958 where he received his televised haircut and the barbershop is now a museum.

laws logo
• No one may suddenly stop or start their car at a Little Rock McDonalds.

• It's illegal in Arkansas to honk your horn at a sandwich shop after 9 pm.

• A law provides that school teachers who bob their hair will not get a raise.

• Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs.

• Arkansas must be pronounced "Arkansaw".

• It is illegal to buy or sell blue light bulbs.

• It's illegal to yell at your children at a drive-in Arkansas restaurant.

• Flirtation between men and women on the streets of Little Rock could result in an up to 30-day jail sentence.

• Not Allowed to Name a Child Zabradacka.

• Atheists are not Allowed to Testify as a Witness or Hold Political Office.

places logo
• Hot Springs - Alligator Farm & Merman.

• Alma - They have an eight-foot, bronze Popeye tribute in their town square to announce it.

• Eureka Springs - World's tallest uncrucified Christ.

• Norman, Arkansas Library - The Norman Library is only about the size of a small bedroom: 177 square feet.

• Fouke Monster Mart: Home of the Legendary Boggy Creek Monster.
