• Built in 1874, the First United Methodist Church came to be during a plague and grasshoppers. Literally thousands of grasshoppers were mixed into the foundation, which remains in-tact today.
• Apart from English and Spanish, Vietnamese is the most commonly spoken language in Kansas.
• Once, hailstones weighing more than one and a half pounds fell in Coffeyville, Kansas.
• In 1928, a tornado so strong hit Kansas that it actually partially plucked some chickens.
• Kansas has had more meteorites found within the state than any other in the United States, save for Texas, west of the Mississippi River.
• Musical car horns are banned in Russell, Kansas.
• In Salina, it is against the law to leave your car running unattended.
• Riding an animal down the road is against the law in Derby, Kansas.
• No one may catch fish with his bare hands.
• It is illegal to put ice cream on cherry pie.
• The state game rule prohibits the use of mules to hunt ducks.
• Kansas City - Saying the name "George Washington" without adding the phrase "blessed be his name," can land you with a fine of up to fifty cents.
• Lang - You may not ride a mule down Main Street, unless the animal is wearing a straw hat.
• Lawrence - All cars entering the city limits must first sound their horn to warn the horses of their arrival.
• Topeka - You may not whistle during the night.
• The Hollenberg Station, two miles northeast of Hanover, Kansas, is the only original Pony Express Station still standing in its original location. It is now a museum.
• A 30-foot-tall statue of Johnny Kaw stands in Manhattan City Park. The statue represents the importance of the Kansas wheat farmer.
• Lincoln - Giant Dragon and Other Farm Equipment Creatures - Over a dozen creatures built out of old farm equipment line Highway 18, including a 60-foot-long dragon.
• Lawrence - Museum of the Odd - Randy "Honey Boy" Walker has filled his home "Museum of the Odd" with his collections, which include over 350 sock monkeys and Elvis Presley artifacts that include his hair, a toe nail, and piece of sheet he slept on.
• Truckhenge in Topeka is a combination of farm, salvage and recycled art, and nature sanctuary. The work of one man, It consists of 6 antique trucks jutting out of the ground - remnicient of England's Stonehenge.