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facts logo
• In 1792, the federal government determined that Kentucky owned the Ohio River along its border with Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.

• Middlesboro, the only town constructed inside a meteor crater.

• The "Happy Birthday" song was created in Kentucky written by two sisters, Patty and Mildred Hill.

• About 64 percent of the people killed in the war of 1812 were residents of Kentucky.

• The first people inhabited Kentucky 10,000 BCE or earlier.

laws logo
• Throwing eggs at a public speaker can result in up to a year in prison.

• A person is considered “sober” until he “cannot hold onto the ground.”

• In Frankfort, it is a crime to shoot off a policeman’s tie.

• It is illegal for a woman to wear a bathing suit on a highway unless she is escorted by two police officers or is armed with a club.

• Kentucky every citizen of is required to take a shower once a year.

• Owensboro: A woman may not buy a hat without her husband's permission.

• It is illegal in Kentucky to marry the same man more than 3 times

• Franklin - You can't legally trade horses after dark.

• Fort Thomas - Cats may not molest cars.

• Murray - The superintendent of sanitation "shall determine whether a person is small, medium or large."

places logo
• Louisville - The World's Largest Baseball Bat

• Vent Haven Museum of Ventriloquism

• Cave City - The Wigwam Village Inn provides a fun alternative to staying in a motel room.

• Louisville - One of the oldest offbeat grave monuments in Cave Hill Cemetery is the Peaslee Sphinx that arrived in 1907.

• Burkesville - Civil War captain Jack McLain wanted his grave to be on the highest hill in Burkesville; it's still there, but so is a motel parking lot.
