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New Jersey

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facts logo
• Square Dancing Is The Official State Dance

• The Atlantic City Boardwalk Is The World's First was built in 1854.

• New Jersey Has The World's Tallest Water Tower, 212 feet tall, the Union Watersphere.

• The Monopoly Street Names Come From New Jersey, the names aren't fictional and are actually taken from the real streets of Atlantic City.

• There Is A Volcano In New Jersey, Rutan Hill is a long-dormant volcano.

laws logo
• It is illegal to slurp soup.

•  It is against the law to wear a bulletproof vest while attempting to commit a violent crime.

• It is against the law to sell a car on Sundays.

• It is against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season.

• It is illegal to delay or detain a homing pigeon.

• Automobiles are not to pass horse drawn carriages on the street.

• Bernard’s Township - It is illegal to frown as the town is a "Frown-Free Town Zone".

• Caldwell - You may not dance or wear shorts on the main avenue.

• Cresskill - All cats must wear three bells to warn birds of their whereabouts.

• Newark - It is illegal to sell ice cream after 6pm, unless the customer has a note from his doctor.

places logo
• Berkeley Heights - The Deserted Village of Feltville - This town had reinvented itself more than a few times since the early 1700s but mainly remained deserted.

• Chester - Telephone Pole Farm - This offbeat “farm” started as a testing site for AT&T’s Bell Labs in the 1920s.

• Hammonton - Batsto Village - This village was incorporated in 1766 and looks the same as it was back then, surviving hundreds of years of American history.

• Margate - The iconic Lucy the Elephant is a historic 65-foot elephant-shaped building constructed in 1881. It has since been designated a National Historic Landmark.

• West Windsor Township - Martian Landing Site - In 1938, when War of the Worlds, was adapted for radio. Though listeners were reminded throughout the broadcast that this “Martian attack” was fictional, many believed it to be a real newscast, and the supposed Martians Landing site was said to be in Grover’s Mill, West Windsor, NJ.
