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North Dakota

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facts logo
• The coldest temperature recorded in North Dakota was –60F on February 15, 1936.

• North Dakota applied to have “North” removed from its name more than once.

• North Dakota holds the Guinness World Record for the most snow angels made simultaneously in one place.

• In 2008, Fargo, North Dakota, hosted the largest pancake feed in the world, serving up 34,818 pancakes.

• The world’s largest hamburger was eaten in Rutland, North Dakota, in 1982. It weighed 3,591 pounds and more than 8,000 people were invited to the meal.

laws logo
• It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.

• It is illegal to keep an elk in a sandbox in your backyard.

• Charitable groups are allowed to hold stud poker games to raise money, but ONLY twice a year.

• It is legal to shoot a Native American on horseback as long as you are in a covered wagon.

• It is prohibited for bars or restaurants to serve both beer and pretzels at the same time.

• It is illegal to swim naked in the Red River from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

• No one is allowed to wear a hat while dancing or at any event where a dance is happening.

• Operators of underground coal mines in North Dakota must provide an "adequate supply" of toilet paper for each toilet.

• Fargo - One may be jailed for wearing a hat while dancing, or even for wearing a hat to a function where dancing is taking place.

• Waverly - You better not let your horse near the tub, since horses are prohibited from sleeping in them, as well as in the house.

places logo
• Regent - Enchanted Highway Sculptures - One man's quest to save his town with a trail of record-breaking sculptures.

• Minot - Gol Stave Church Museum - This museum is a full-size replica of an original church constructed during the 13th-century.

• In Jamestown, you can visit the "World's Largest Buffalo." This statue, which was built in 1959, is 26 feet tall and comprised of 60 tons of steel and concrete.

• Riverside Cemetery,Wahpeton - Tent Pole Monument to Circus Dead - On the windswept Dakota plains there is a memorial to circus workers who were struck down by lightning.

• Nekoma - Safeguard Missile Complex - It's actually a giant radar system surrounded by (now empty) missile silos in the ground, at one point ready to fend off any incoming nuclear attacks back in the Cold War.
